Satellite Phone Rentals

Various Activities for the Whole Family

We understand the need to be connected, whether it is for business or to stay in touch with family and friends.  With the extensive range of satellite based communication products available from Sat4Rent, we have you covered, regardless of your location. You can rely on Sat 4 Rent & Inmarsat to stay connected – where ever you are!!

The new generation of satellite phones are smaller and more portable than ever, allowing you to make calls and send text messages.  Satellite phones are now really affordable and they provide peace of mind, knowing that you need never to be out of reach.  The satellite phone number will be allocated to you in advance – you can leave the number with family and friends.  You can collect and return the satellite phone with your vehicle from Zebra Camper Hire.

BGAN Terminal Rentals:

Do you need to stay in touch with the office or family and friends via Social Media and / or email?  Sat 4 Rent has you covered.  
To meet this ever increasing need for constant 24 hour data access, Sat4Rent has a range of high speed satellite internet and data services that offer mobile office capability anywhere in the world.  The BGAN Internet data terminal rental includes a gratis satellite phone as well !

Personal Satellite Tracker:

The Personal Tracker is a device that tracks location and sends location reports using the satellite network.  It will send regular progress reports with your location to our dedicated tracking website.  Your family and friends can follow your progress in real time tracking on Google Earth and be part of your holiday!!  When you rent a Personal Tracker -  Sat 4 Rent, will give you your very own, personal login details to our website.  You can leave the login details with family and friends so they can track you in real-time.

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